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Puts you on a G5 straight to the Caribbean and might be the only mojito you can roll up and smoke.
Our Caicos, inspired by a vacation, is as blissful as being on the beautiful islands themselves. Caicos is going to be a sativa dominant strain that gives very many different effects. The three most prominent terpenes are going to be Caryophyllene, Mycrene and Limonene. The present aromas are going to be a very interesting contrast of skunky / earthy and minty / citric. A popular customer opinion is the presence of a “garlicy” aroma. From it’s three terpenes alone, we know that this strain provides a great deal of muscle relaxation - especially from the CB2 activation from the caryophyllene. The psychoactive effects are definitely that of a sativa as far as the elevation in mood and boosts of energy. It is a mild sativa, and does give a very relaxing body high without a sedating head high.
Brand: Traditional
Category: flower
Strain Type: sativa